11 Mar Tarja’s Concert in Barcelona Postponed
The concert for today, March 11th, 2020, in Bilbao, will be held normally.
The new concert will take place next February 15th, 2021 at Apolo. The tickets purchased are valid, so you have 2 options:
1- Return the tickets (below the details explaining how to proceed)
2- Keep the tickets and save them for the new date
How to return my ticket?
? Stores (Revolver, Escridiscos). You may return the ticket in the same place.
? Ticketmaster (Fnac, Halcón Viajes and associate stores): Online. You need to apply for a refund: https://help.ticketmaster.es/hc/es/categories/360000669313-Aplazamientos-Cancelaciones-y-Novedades?fbclid=IwAR28TEfcZKhwjYnXlfiUxUOshJKQSq-WmzE0dwikWE1w5ry4Eyj6Or6lfgY
? Ticketmadness: Ask for a refund here: https://ticketmadness.es/es/atencion-al-cliente
Official information about the cancellation: https://web.gencat.cat/es/actualitat/detall/Noves-mesures-per-a-la-contencio-del-coronavirus