Tarja Turunen Joulu yhdessä -kiertue 2014 – Christmas Together Tour 2014

Tarja Turunen Joulu yhdessä -kiertue 2014 – Christmas Together Tour 2014

The enchantment of Tarja Turunen’s Christmas concerts returns once again to Finland. More than ten shows will be presented this year, most of them in towns where she has not performed previously .
In Forssa, Eurajoki, Hankasalmi, Juva, Imatra and Kotka Tarja will appear on stage with Kalevi Kiviniemi (organ), Marzi Nyman (guitar) and Markku Krohn (percussions), better known as Harus. The band has been performing together since 2006 and three years ago released their CD, DVD and BluRay “Live at Sibelius Hall”.
In Keuruu, Alajärvi, Vaasa and Valkeakoski Tarja will perform with cellist Max Lilja, the violinist Mervi Myllyoja and the pianist Janne Hovi. In Kouvola, for the last show of the tour, Tarja will be accompanied by the organist Kalevi Kiviniemi in a very intimate and touching moment just before Christmas.
After many years of performing in churches and concert halls all over the country, Tarja’s Christmas tour is becoming a traditional Christmas time event.


09.12.2014 Forssa, Forssan Kirkko (Harus)
10.12.2014 Eurajoki, Eurajoen Kirkko (Harus)
12.12.2014 Hankasalmi, Hankasalmen Kirkko (Harus)
13.12.2014 Juva, Juvan Kirkko (Harus)
14.12.2014 Imatra, Vuoksenniskan Kolmen Ristin Kirkko (Harus)
16.12.2014 Keuruu, Keuruun Kirkko (Quartet)
17.12.2014 Alajärvi, Alajärven Kirkko (Quartet)
18.12.2014 Vaasa, Vaasan Kirkko (Quartet)
19.12.2014 Valkeakoski, Valkeakosken Kirkko (Quartet)
21.12.2014 Kotka, Kotkan Kirkko (Harus)
22.12.2014 Kouvola, Kouvolan Keskuskirkko (Tarja & Kalevi)

HARUS: Kalevi Kiviniemi (organ), Marzi Nyman (guitar) and Markku Krohn (percussions)
QUARTET: Max Lilja (cello), Mervi Myllyoja (violin) and Janne Hovi (piano)

Concerts start at 19:00 (doors open at 18:15) – Tickets 34,50€ incl. service fee, 35€ at the doors.
Advance sale on Lippupalvelu.